Prof Mahougnon KAKPO
Professor Mahougnon KAKPO (University of Abomey-Calavi- Benin)
President of the Committee of Vodun Rites of Benin
They will be speaking at the symposium at New Orleans National vodou Day on the topic of : VODUN AXIOLOGY AND AESCHATOLOGY
Their Presentation
Vodun is a religion where man is taught the art of the quest for Meaning, the art of connecting with the tutelary Spirits to better know them, love them, and serve them so they provide the grace to help individuals live a decent existence. Thus, each believer wishes to connect directly with Vodun in his language, in his natural environment, and through his customs. This is why the fundamental concern inherent in this religion at all times is the question of ethical values, as well as that of the ultimate ends of man. Axiology and eschatology are therefor aspects to be explored in order to better understand Vodun. Because, for Vodun to remain a living religion, for this religion not to remain passive and dead, it must constantly strive to be a crucible that awakens the soul, a framework that allows its followers to be instructed and to lead them to live in the hope of eternity.
But how does Vodun allow us to respect ethical Principles? How does Vodun teach these Principles? How is such an ethic consistent with civic values?
These are the questions I will try to answer in order to lead the participants in the Symposium to understand that Vodun is a Humanism.